Ready for graduation?

afbeelding van frederic



Tax & Legal & Accountants






K law



Ready for graduation? Time to explore your options. 

At KPMG, we believe there’s nothing more promising than the road ahead – discovering, chasing insights and gathering knowledge, together. With this mindset we make a difference for our people, our clients and the public.

We are looking for people like you to join our team. Take a moment, explore our graduate opportunities for August and September 2019 and reach out!  





Being an auditor at KPMG is much more than checking numbers. It's about using your social and analytical skills to objectively understand and examine the client's work processes. Each assignment is unique so your everyday is dynamic and changing.  


Join us in Industry, Banking or Insurances.




> Apply now










As a Tax Adviser you'll  gain experience in a very large domain as from the start of your career. You can also join KPMG Accountants in one of our local offices. Advising your clients on their year-end closing and financial reporting is only the beginning of the range of responsibilities assigned to you.


Join us in Corporate Tax, Indirect Tax, Global Mobility Services or Accountants.




> Apply now






Your mission at KPMG Advisory? Helping organizations meet not only the challenge of today’s risk-filled business world, but also improve their performance and enhance their growth.


Join us in Technology Advisory, Management Consulting, Deal Advisory or Risk Consulting.




> Apply now









At K law, we deliver a multidisciplinary and creative approach, which enables our clients to take opportunities to keep ahead of the legal challenges and keep their business moving forward.

Join us in Public Law, Banking and Finance Law, Business and Commercial Law, Corporate Law and M&A, Dispute Resolution, Employment Law, Real Estate or IP & ICT Law .


> Apply now




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Human Resources


02 708 37 83








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© 2018 KPMG Central Services, a Belgian Economic Interest Grouping ("ESV/GIE") and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.








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